Thursday, February 10, 2011

Toddler/Adult Monster Mouth Cowl

Size 7 knitting needles
one skein Sugar'n Cream hot green yarn
one skein Sugar'n Cream hot pink yarn

Cast on 58(70) stitches in hot green yarn (using cable cast-on or knit on cast-on methods)
Work 3 rows knit for border
 row 1: knit all
row 2: purl all
repeat these rows until about an inch or so from desired length, then work pattern from grid for monster mouth pattern (following your knit row, purl row pattern still as well)
End by working 3 rows knit
Cast off very loosely, using Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind off.
(grid is for toddler size cowl, but can be easily adjusted for adult cowl!)





Stitch up seem and tie in ends.  Enjoy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Criss Cross Cable Twists Stripped Scarf

1 skein or 2 skeins of Impeccable Aqua yarn
1 skein or 2 skeins of Vanna's Choice Magenta yarn
Size 6 or Size 10 needles
cable needle
yarn needle

This is the thicker scarf made on size 10 needles, using 2 strands of each color yarn.

With 1 strand of Aqua (for thinner, narrower scarf) or 2 strands of Aqua (for thicker broader scarf) Cast On 20 stitches and work 4 rows of Seed stitch working in the following pattern:
Row 1&3: K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1…
Rows 2&4: P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1…

Then start in the pattern
Rows 1: (RS): (K1, P1) p2, c4f, p4, c4f, p2 (K1, P1)
Rows 2: (P1, K1)k2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (P1, K1)
Rows 3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22: (K1, P1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (K1, P1)
Rows 4: (P1, K1) K2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (P1, K1)
Rows 5: (K1, P1) p2, c4f, p4, c4f, p2 (K1, P1)
Rows 6: (P1, K1)k2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (P1, K1)
Row 7: (K1, P1) (t4b, t4f) twice  (K1, P1)
Rows 8: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 9, 13, 17, 21: (K1, P1) k2, p4, c4f, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 10: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 11: (K1, P1)k2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 12: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 13: (K1, P1) k2, p4, c4f, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 14: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 15: (K1, P1) k2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 16: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 17: (K1, P1) k2, p4, c4f, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 18: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 19: (K1, P1) k2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 20: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Rows 21: (K1, P1) k2, p4, c4f, p4, k2 (K1, P1)
Rows 22: (P1, K1) p2, k4, p4, k4, p2 (P1, K1)
Row 23: (K1, P1) (t4f, t4b) twice (K1, P1)
Rows 24: (P1, K1) k2, p4, k4, p4, k2 (P1, K1)

Switch to magenta and work pattern then switch to aqua.  Continue working in the pattern for 13 repeats (for thinner scarf on size 6 needles) or 11 repeats (for thicker scarf on size 10 needles), ending by working Rows 1 and 2, then completing 4 rows of seed stitch.  Bind off.

Add PomPoms or Tassels to the ends of your scarf.  Enjoy and stay warm!

These were made as matching mother daughter scarves.  The smaller scarf was made on size 6
needles and made for an 8 year old.  the larger scarf was made with two stands each of magenta
and aqua on size 10 needles.